April 2017

  • This Kurdish girl deserves a thank you

    There are probably a thousand depressing things that I would love to write about right now, to get it all off my chest. Writing those negative thoughts and emotions is often therapeutic. However, I choose not to. You see, dearest reader, I woke up to such a beautiful post from a person I follow on Facebook, I… Continue reading

  • Daya Sazan Diaries

    Daya Sazan Diaries

    My days have been tough. In between a dislocated toe, a to-do list that I can never see ticks next to, a research that I am lagging behind in, all that was missing was motherhood depression, sadly that has also knocked at my door for the second week now. I have been in and out… Continue reading

  • Kurdish couple go beyond just criticizing!

    In Kurdistan there are two types of people. Type one sit and complain, all day, everyday blaming every issue in Kurdistan on everyone except themselves. These also are the type that sometimes throw rubbish from their car windows, don’t obey traffic laws and find it okay  to spoke indoors while their kids are sitting half… Continue reading

  • My #TEDxNishtiman experience

    Hello loyal reader!! If you haven’t followed #TEDxNishtiman recently then you’ve been on a different planet (or in one of those social media/ technology detox phases). I was behind the stage, changing last minute scripts and program plans with Mustafa when I saw Azad Mohammad sitting silently, trying to peek to the audience. I couldn’t help get… Continue reading