July 2019

  • 8 to 3 Working Hours Not Welcome!

    Imagine a Kurdistan where half of the public employees were Linchpins. It’s too good to even imagine. What is a Linchpin you may ask? In the words of Seth Godin, a Linchpin is ‘somebody in an organization who is indispensable – who simply cannot be replaced because their role is just far too unique and valuable.’ A… Continue reading

  • Introducing Social Studies in KRI

    Hello, I’ve been thinking a lot recently (which is why I am probably a few steps away from depression). We have a power over a group of people in society which must be used correctly, if we are to head to a healthier and brighter future for this nation. The power to equip the young… Continue reading

  • 15 pillars to better education in the Kurdistan Region

    Loyal reader, I know. Long time. My world is all about chasing deadlines and watching a little angel learn to take her first steps. My heart falls before her every fall. Watching her master the art of walking reminds me a lot about life. We stand. We fall. We make another attempt to stand. We… Continue reading